Ithaca Public Schools Partnerships

Ithaca Public Schools Partners with the Richland School District as part of the Partners for Prevention Coalition of Richland County to offer some services. Learn about anxiety, depression, suicide, vaping, hiding spots, screen addiction and more. Check out this link on the Richland School District website to review resources available as a part of this partnership. Use this link to open the Partners for Prevention Coalition of Richland County Facebook page to review current events and initiatives, find resources, and catch up on other information.

Southwestern Wisconsin Behavioral Health Partnership

The Southwestern Wisconsin Behavioral Health Partnership's Network of Care serves Richland County along with Grant, Green, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties. Click on this link to review or discover mental health or substance abuse resources available through the Southwestern Wisconsin Behavioral Health Partnership.

Wisconsin DPI

Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction (DPI) provides districts, families, and students with a wealth of resources to address the mental well-being in districts. We can improve student outcomes through social and emotional supports by building positive relationships and increasing school engagement to help concentrate on learning. Families are critical in their children’s education and school staff must be able to address mental health needs. Partnerships between schools, youth, families, and mental health providers can result in improved academic outcomes. This Laws and Model Notice is updated yearly. How does DPI define school mental health? Explore this link for resources and learn why mental health matters in our schools.