Resources for Students and Adults

Link to letter from Ms. Bevan

March 18, 2020

Dear Ithaca  Students and Families, 

As a result of school closures in response to COVID-19, please know that you are in my thoughts and be assured that I am here for you as a support and resource person.  I will respond to emails and check my school voicemail between the hours of 8am and 3:30pm during school days. If you encounter an urgent matter regarding you and/or your student(s) well-being, I encourage you to contact the following community resources: 

Richland County Area Community Mental Health Providers

*If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911.*

Additionally, circumstances like these can be stressful, not only for kids, but for adults as well. Below are resources you may find helpful. Please be sure to take care of yourselves and each other. 

Resources for Adults 

CDC Resource - Mental Health

How to Cope With Anxiety About Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Pandemic Panic? These 5 Tips Can Help You Regain Your Calm

UCSF Feeling Anxiety About Coronavirus? A Psychologist Offers Tips to Stay Clear-Headed

Resources for Students 

CDC-Helping Children Cope

Fact Sheet-Managing Stress

Supporting Children with Special Needs

Stay well, 

Meredith Bevan

Ithaca School Counselor


Phone: (608) 585-2311 Ext. 302