Seniors - Pave the Patio!

Help Ithaca Schools Pave the Patio

Seniors!  As you pave your way to the future, consider helping your school pave the new patio.  Personalized bricks can be purchased to honor your transition from graduate to alumnus.

Personalized bricks from That’s My Brick are once again being sold to help fund the student patio and beautify the school grounds.  

Anyone can purchase a brick, for just about any reason:

Class spirit, as a memorial, groups, clubs, advertisement, family pride/heritage, etc.

Patio construction will begin this summer.  It will replace the original 4K playground.

Orders can be placed at

Order deadline date is May 31, 2019.

Questions?  Contact Jenna Wipperfurth at Ithaca Schools 585-2311 or